Science & Technology

Behind NGS - High Performance Computing in Biotech (ITA)

Francesco Di Giorgi, the founder of eXact Lab, elucidates the Domino Project's ambition to harness Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) for enhanced genomic analysis.

Through NGS, genomics is propelled into a new era, offering rapid and revolutionary sequencing. The data deluge generated requires meticulous processing through specialized algorithms, software, and high-performance computing.
An insight into the pivotal role of evolving technology in digitizing reality further, enabling a precise analysis of extensive datasets. He discusses the journey from data acquisition to delivering insightful value to the end-user, stressing the automation and optimization of processing pipelines. Reflecting on technological strides, The discussion encapsulates the collective effort to transition from prototype stages to commercially viable solutions, aiding in solving complex problems across various fields including medicine, mathematics, and more.
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