Science & Technology

Behind Next Generation Sequencing - The industrial Research (ITA)


Diego Boscarino, Project Manager at AB Analitica, elucidates the genetic nature of cancer, emphasizing the central role of DNA in cell replication and tumor growth. Through a detailed account, Boscarino unveils the diagnostic landscape in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy, where thousands of tests are conducted annually on tissues from oncology patients. 

Diving deeper, Boscarino transitions the discussion towards Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), a revolutionary method gaining traction in healthcare institutions for a more meticulous examination of genes or the entire human genome. He shares insights into the Domino project's inception, aimed at accelerating analysis through computational techniques, thereby reducing the costs and making diagnostics more accessible. The collaboration among companies, hospitals, and universities in collecting clinical samples is highlighted as a key aspect of advancing product development to ultimately benefit patients. 

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